Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Card carrying missionaries

After successfully completing a year as "missionaries in training," (Feb 2012), Chris and I received our official World Impact ministry license!

Each month, the entire missionary staff of World Impact L.A. (over 50 missionaries) gathers for worship, prayer, and fellowship.  Here we are at the May 2012 "Gathering" being commissioned for our on-going labors here. We are so blessed to be a part of this team here in L.A.!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Mayor's Prayer Breakfast

"God permits what he hates in order to accomplish what he loves."  --Joni


For nearly 40 years, Dr. Keith Phillips has organized and led the annual prayer breakfast for the Mayor of Los Angeles. This year, Joni Eareckson Tada was the guest speaker. This remarkable woman of God testified to the life of submission and surrender, as only Joni could tell it. "God permits what he hates in order to accomplish what he loves," she explained. She concluded her talk with a special invitation: "Join me in needing God desperately every day!"