Now back in Indiana, we are visiting Taylor University students, colleagues, & dear friends who helped to send us out a little less than a year ago to serve as urban missionaries with World Impact. It is a privilege to share God’s abundant provision for us during our initial year as “MITs” (Missionaries in Training)! In what seems like a few brief months, there have been many challenges and lessons learned. This week Chris shared our experiences with students at The King’s Academy (a Christian K-12 in Jonesboro). Bob is sharing with students on the Taylor campus. We want to stay connected with those who have supported and encouraged us during our Indiana sojourn (1995-2010). The students pictured here are senior Christian Educational Ministry majors from the class of 2011 who traveled to Los Angeles last January for their senior capstone course—a two week intensive urban immersion. This week Bob is meeting with the seniors from the class of 2012, who will be experiencing L.A. this coming January. Later this month, three Taylor student teachers will travel to Los Angeles to complete their student teaching experience at World Impact’s Los Angeles Christian School; a fourth student teacher will be at the Newark Christian School in New Jersey.